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Battery Interrupter Instructions   Battery Interrupters allow any battery operated toy or appliance to be able to be switch activated. 
Battery Interrupter.pdf

Other websites with Battery Interrupter Instructions:

Dave Grass

Science Shareware

Oklahoma Assistive Technology Center

Talking Switch Instructions

Talking Switches are an easy to make, low-tech communication device.  This is Linda Burkhart's photo frame instructions with photo's.

Talking Switch.pdf

Linda Burkhart

Lind Burkhart Link

Attainment Company - Where you can purchase a Personal Talker to adapt

Attainment Company Link

Reading Window Instructions 
Reading Windows isolate words on a page, making it easier to read lines of text, without visual interference of other lines or words.

Reading Window.pdf

For pre-made reading helpers, transparencies and many more low-tech assistive technology for literacy, see Onion Mountains's website.

Onion Mountain Tech Link

Mouse House Instructions

Mouse House is an adapted mouse for single hit use.  This is an adaption of Linda Burkhart's Mouse House instructions.  See link at bottom for her full Mouse House instructions.

Mouse House.pdf

Linda Burkhart

Check out Linda's other Make it Yourself ideas and her informative handouts that you can download.

Linda Burkhart Link